
The AWP-ODC code simulates dynamic rupture and wave propagation using a staggered grid finite difference scheme. Artificial wave reflections at external boundaries are attenuated with absorbing boundary conditions or perfectly matched layers.

The Extreme-scale Discontinuous Galerkin Environment (EDGE) is a solver for hyperbolic partial differential equations with emphasis on seismic simulations. EDGE targets model setups with high geometric complexities and at increasing the throughout of extreme-scale ensemble simulations. The entire software stack is tailored to the execution of “fused” simulations, which allow to study multiple model setups within one execution of the forward solver.

The SEISM-IO library is designed to take up the large-scale I/O challenge across different seismic applications.The goal of this I/O library is to reduce the amount of optimization efforts and lower the barrier of parallel I/O implementation. Compared with other generalized I/O libraries, our SEISM-IO library has many specialized functions which aim at improving the programming efficiency of seismic applications, such as grid partition and buffering output. We also develop an easy-to-use application programming interface (API) for both C and Fortran language, which integrates different initialization, open, read, write and finalize processes in underlying MPI-IO, PHDF5, PnetCDF and ADIOS I/O libraries. Although designed for seismic applications, the SEISM-IO library can be used by other HPC applications based on structured meshes.