Difference between revisions of "Contact"

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<div id="footer">
<map name="footer_map">
<area shape="rect" coords="682,0,743,33" href="http://www.scec.org/" target="_blank">
<area shape="rect" coords="770,0,832,32" href="http://teragrid.org/" target="_blank">
<area shape="rect" coords="850,0,882,32" href="http://www.nsf.gov/" target="_blank">
<area shape="rect" coords="901,0,959,32" href="http://www.sdsc.edu/" target="_blank">

Revision as of 15:38, 18 February 2016


Dr. Yifeng Cui
High Performance Geocomputing Lab (HPGeoC)
San Diego Supercomputer Center
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla CA 92093-0505
(858) 822-0916 phone
(858) 534-5113 fax
email: yfcui at sdsc dot edu

